sponsors2 MTS IEEE OES

Exhibitor Information

Exhibitor Registration and Profile

Go to this link to register your personnel and input your Company Profile for the Final Program
You will need your passcode which you should have received by email. 

Order Forms for Audio Visual, Monitors, Telephone, Wired Internet, Etc.

  OCEANS 13 AV Order Form.pdf
  OCEANS 13 Telephone and Internet Order Form.pdf

To ALL OCEANS San Diego Exhibitors:

1. Hotel Room Reservations
The Reservation Link for the Town & Country Hotel is up and accepting hotel reservations.
You can access the hotel link from the OCEANS 2012 website at www.oceans13mtsieeesandiego.

2. Exhibitor Kits - the Exhibitor Kit for ordering furnishings, carpet, electrical, etc., will be emailed to you Mid June in pdf. It will also be posted on the website. The official contractor for the show is GES. If you have any special design needs other than the standard orders, let me know and I will forward you to my GES contact.

3. Exhibit Hours - the hours for set up, exhibits and tear down are as follows:
Move In
Sunday, September 22 – 12 noon to 6:-00 pm
Monday, September 23 – 7:00 am to 7:00 pm
Exhibit Hours
Tuesday, September 24 – 10:00 am to 7:00 pm (includes Exhibitor Reception)
Wednesday, September 25 - 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday, September 26 – 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Tear Down
Thursday, September 26 – 3:40 pm – 7:00 pm
4. Exhibitor Registration -You will all receive an email soon from info@oceans13mtsieeesandiego.
orgThis email has your exhibitor passcode which you will need to access your exhibitor registration. Complete instructions are on the email however, yell with questions. This is the direct link to the Registration page : http://www.oceans13mtsieeesandiego.org/exhibitor/register/

5. Final Program Listing - .This year, same as last, you will be inputting your program listings through the exhibitor registration website along with your exhibitor registration. Please make sure you input your listing. AND CHECK YOUR ADDRESS, PHONE, EMAIL as that will be what appears in the Final Program
Your listings are due by July 31st so even if you aren't ready to do your registration, please go online and fill in the Profile information

6. Patron Opportunities - We still have many good patron opportunities available. Take a look at the Patron section on the website at www.oceans13mtsieeesandiego.
org for more information.

7. Golf Tournament – Sunday,  September 22 – Going to be in town on Sunday? Join us for a fun day of Golf at the Riverwalk Golf Club near the hotel. Details are on the website atwww.oceans13mtsieeesandiego.org.

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